The Artist
The Descendents
Midnight in Paris
Extremely Loud & Incredibly Close
The Help
War Horse
The Tree of Life
I bet most people are wondering why I would choose to put this on my 50 list; honestly I'm not quite sure. I'm not a movie buff nor do I particularly enjoy going to a theater. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy going to the theater for a couple of reasons; mainly the popcorn: I don't enjoy going to a theater for the very fact that I am not in control of the remote..."hit the damn pause button I need to take a potty break" is not something one can yell out in a theater. On the other hand I do enjoy watching movies at home; cuddling with a blanket and some microwave popcorn, my hubby who holds the remote but can be swayed to hit pause, and my two beautiful dogs.
OK, 9 movies and not a lot of time to see them, I didn't even think that some of them would not be in theaters so was able to watch some at home, The Help, Moneyball, The Tree of Life were all either on video or pay per view...that alone saved us a bundle of money-did I mention during the course of this we probably spent over $120 at the, that is a whole other story about the average Joe taking his family to see a movie ont he big screen. I was not able to get to see War Horse or Hugo so didn't fulfill my goal.
Here's what I learned about movies and the Oscars and potentially this could be the reason I felt I should experience seeing all of the movies-After investing up to 2 hours watching a film, getting to know the characters, wowing over the scenery, imagining how they got those crazy camera angles among other things, I came to realize that after watching a real good movie I become emotionally involved in it, I feel a sense of being a part of it (that sounds hokey but I'm not quite sure how else to say it); therefore, the Oscars become something kind of like a sporting event or more accurately a talent contest. I chose who would win for best actress, actor and the big Kahuna of all-Best Picture! In the end I'm glad that I tried this, the Oscars were a little more exciting for me but most of all I got to spend time with my hubby at home, and at the theater but ate way too much popcorn!
Now here are my winners for the 2012 Oscar awards:
Best Picture: The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo
Best Actress: Mara Roony
Best Actor: Max von Sydow
OK, so The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo wasn't even nominated so I guess that just goes to show I'm not the best judge of movies. So next year I will again try and see all of the films nominated, I might even try to see some of the documentaries and the foreign films. I enjoyed all the movies except one-The tree of life, if anyone could watch it all the way through and then explain it to me I would appreciate it, I thought just looking at Brad Pitt would get me through it but not even his good looks could keep me interested!!!