I will admit that this whole idea of 50 for 50 was not my original idea, my good friend Tina Foster can be blamed for what is about to happen over the next year, this is a good thing. I have stolen her idea and some "things" off of her list (with permission), one of which is the idea of a blog to capture the whole experience. At first I thought it was kind of egocentric (sorry Tina) but after reading her blog last year as she created and wrote about experience after experience I realized that couldn't have been further from the truth; yes it was about Tina, but as a follower of her blog, for me, it was about inspiration. Inspiration to stand up to your fears, to do things that challenged you both mentally and physically, and to live in the moment-to be mindful of what you were doing, why you were doing it and to value the experience whether it turned out good or bad. I believe that one of the benefits that I also realized it that you can share these experiences with your friends and family which might be overall the most important of the whole process.
So, back to the idea of the blog, the 3 w's according to Kriss:
W #1 What the heck is a blog...A blog (a blend of the term web log)[1] is a personal journal published on the World Wide Web consisting of discrete entries ("posts") typically displayed in reverse chronological order so the most recent post appears first. Blogs are usually the work of a single individual, occasionally of a small group, and often are themed on a single subject. Blog can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog-credit Wikipedia
And so it goes, this is my attempt to BLOG. I hope that people read it but if I only have a few people who check in occasionally I will be happy. If someone really wanted to make my day they might leave a comment, Wikipedia says a blog can serve as another form of social networking...if you know me well enough to be reading this blog you would know that I love social networking.
W # 2 Why-I believe I covered some of that above but let me also add that I think that by creating this blog, in a certain respect, it will be a part of my legacy that I leave to my family after I have left this earth. Tina and I talked about this last night on the phone-yes actually talked, not just texted :) She reminded me about what she did with her blog when her 50th year was final-it was all captured in a hard bound book (which is funny if you think that technology is so great that we actually have the capability to communciate electronically via blog and then wrap it up with an old fasioned book) that she keeps on her coffee table, she said it's a "good coffee table book". As we talked over the course of an hour we came onto the subject of her new grandbaby, Ruby. I commented that the "book" would serve as her gift to Ruby in way that Ruby will learn all about her Grandma, it was then that Tina commented that during her 50th year a part of the book is when she found out she would be a Grandma...now that is ironic. So the #2 W-Why is somewhat egocentric in that I believe this blog will become a part of my legacy to the future Lawyers' (hehe...that's kind of funny to say) of the world and also that if this blog inspires anybody the way Tina's blog inspired me then that is an added bonus.
W #3 Who- The "who" you ask? This too is something very important to me in this whole process. I know the "list" looks pretty good, fun, exciting; but, I think the "who" I do these things with will be, in the end, what is more meaningful to me. Who wants to learn to scuba dive with me? How about read Great Expectations along with me, we could be our own book club. Anyone for a jump out of a plane? So, follow along with me over the next year, read my blog, look at the pics, but first of all raise your hand if there is something you feel you would like to share in the experience-The more the merrier. P.S. I was just kidding about the book...:) KL
Over the next year I will attempt to write about my life and times in the 50th year of my life. I have made a "list" of things I've either always wanted to do, am afraid to attempt or have not taken the time to do. So far I have 40 things but will be adding addtional items as the year progresses. The "list" is in no particular order. I'm hoping this next year proves to be exciting, it will for sure be the biggest challenge of my life. I hope to capture these memories in this blog.
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My first day of school
ReplyDeleteI love your first BLOG post; it was great. The success of my 50 things my 50th year only happened because of all the people who were part of it; those who were brave enough to complete some of the adventures as well as those who read my BLOG and encouraged me. My adventure morphed into many different things along the way, but the one thing I am thrilled by is that my adventure has inspired at least one other person to try something new, something that has held them in fear, something they never thought they would do. I cannot wait to see what this year brings you, teaches you about yourself. I am so happy that I get to be part of it. Have fun and hang on because you are about to begin one of the biggest and best times of your life.
ReplyDeleteThis is so amazing and I know you are just the person to make this kind of thing happen. I hope to be a part of your journey in some fashion. Congrats on such an amazing idea, borrowed yet truly remarkable.
I think i will enjoy watching you achieve the things on your list and I believe I will have fun participating in some of them with ypu.